The Miossi Challenge


From now through June 30, the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust will match every dollar given to SLO REP’s Capital Campaign, up to a total of $500,000.

Recognizing the long-term potential of SLO REP’s planned venue for live theatre in downtown SLO, the Miossi Trust has issued this challenge grant to inspire donors to contribute to SLO REP’s Capital Campaign. This inspirational challenge is in addition to the generous $1 million grant that the Miossi Trust contributed to the campaign in 2022.


Donations can be made over time with pledges of up to three years. Consider making an IRA qualified charitable distribution or transferring appreciated stock/securities. For more information, including recognition opportunities, please contact:

Patty Thayer
Development and Capital Campaign Director
(805) 592-3190  |  [email protected]


Throughout his life, Harold J. Miossi worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for all SLO County residents. Through the establishment of the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust, he continues to enrich this region.

Harold was an ardent environmentalist, a believer in the power of education, and a stalwart supporter of cultural organizations. His name adorns numerous buildings around the county, including the performing arts centers at Cal Poly and Cuesta College – and, soon, the lobby of SLO REP’s new downtown theatre will bear his name.

Ironically, Harold’s proudest accomplishment does not bear his name: The preservation of Cuesta Canyon, at the bottom of Cuesta Grade just west of Highway 101.

As the San Luis Obispo Tribune recounted the saga, “In the mid-1960s, the state Division of Highways wanted to chop 160 feet from the top of Cuesta Grade, bury the canyon and creek below with 38 million cubic yards of dirt, plant a six-lane freeway and 120-foot median, and ram it through a land of lavender hills and shadowed oaks, maples and sycamores, meadows and old barns.”

“They wanted to make a grapevine of Cuesta Canyon” (referring to I-5’s infamous freeway section.) “When I saw the plans, I just sat there in total disbelief.” – Harold Miossi

He didn’t sit for long. He rallied the community to oppose the plan. The highway was never built, and today we enjoy the timeless beauty of Cuesta Canyon via the Miossi Open Space hiking trails.

Harold grew up on La Cuesta Ranch adjacent to Cuesta Canyon. After graduating from SLO High with honors, he earned an economics degree from UC Berkeley in 1943. He returned to the family ranch, eventually taking over all operations until 1960, when he was appointed to the position of Inheritance Tax Appraiser for SLO County, a position he held for 35 years.  That was his day job. He also was a force of energy across a wide spectrum of public-service endeavors.

Among his many roles, he was president of the Cuesta College Foundation; served the county Grand Jury, the Farm Bureau, Knights of Columbus, the Democratic Central Committee and the Montaña de Oro Advisory Committee; chaired the Sierra Club’s Santa Lucia Chapter and served on the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District board.

Along the way, he became close friends with Howard Carroll, a local businessperson whom he appointed as the trustee to carry out his wishes.

“Harold was humble,” says Howard, now trustee of the Trust. “Were he alive, he probably would make all these contributions anonymously. But I think it’s important that people understand and appreciate that Harold worked hard, saved well, and now, decades after his death, he is still creating long-lasting impact.”

Since Harold’s death in 2006, the Miossi Trust has donated more than $16.4 million to organizations across six key areas: animal-related, education, environment, the Catholic Church, fine arts and youth development. Virtually all of the grants have been awarded to nonprofits in the City of San Luis Obispo and surrounding areas.

“Harold created the Trust in part to inspire others to give,” Howard Caroll says. “He would be quite happy matching other people’s donations to SLO REP. He absolutely would want the community to support this project because of its long-term ability to enhance our region’s cultural vitality.”

All of us at SLO REP are honored and humbled by the continued support of the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust. This inspirational challenge will make a huge difference as we enter the final phase of our campaign in 2025. Please join us in making this dream a reality.


“Harold created the Trust in part to inspire others to give. He would be quite happy matching other people’s donations to SLO REP. He absolutely would want the community to support this project because of its long-term ability to enhance our region’s cultural vitality.”

Howard Carroll
Trustee, Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust

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