June 2, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized CHORUS LINE is a record-breaker, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY is filling up, SUMMER CAMPS registration is almost closed, and ticket sales ...
May 30, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized "THE WAIT LIST" for A CHORUS LINE: Another GREAT reason to BECOME A SEASON SUBSCRIBER!
May 27, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized A CHORUS LINE adds TWO SHOWS, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY is coming, SUMMER CAMPS are selling out, and our 2014-2015 season is right arou...
May 21, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized NEW! PIANO BAR & CABARET premieres in June, A CHORUS LINE continues to rock the house, NO SHAME MAY this weekend and the 14/15...
May 19, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized A CHORUS LINE opens, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY begins rehearsals, ACT SUMMER CAMPS are filling up, and our SEASON BROCHURE is coming. T...
May 12, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized CHORUS LINE flies through tech, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY begins rehearsals, ACT SUMMER CAMPS are filling up fast, and our 2014-2015 SE...
May 7, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized Dark Weekend, Gold Costumes, 14/15 Season. All Signs Point to Great Theatre on the Central Coast!
May 5, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized A DELICATE BALANCE sells out, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY auditions pack ’em in, and A CHORUS LINE is right around corner. This wee...
April 30, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized CAPSLO’s TEEN MONOLOGUES, Albee’s A DELICATE BALANCE and A CHORUS LINE IS COMING!
April 24, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized PROOF’s Final 4 Shows, Albee’s A DELICATE BALANCE and…A CHORUS LINE is coming soon!