April 21, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized PROOF continues its stellar run, A CHORUS LINE is selling out, A DELICATE BALANCE approaches, and TEEN MONOLOGUES takes the stage ...
April 18, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized Just two more weekends of PROOF, A DELICATE BALANCE is in the building and A CHORUS LINE is heading towards a SOLD-OUT run!
April 14, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized PROOF is packin’ the house, A CHORUS LINE continues staging, and our 2014-2015 season has been announced! This week at the L...
April 7, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized PROOF has an amazing opening, A CHORUS LINE begins staging, A DELICATE BALANCE begins rehearsals, and our 2014-2015 is nearly read...
April 3, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized PROOF is ready to take the stage, more AUDITIONS on the calendar and the 14/15 SEASON is almost ready to be revealed!
March 30, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized SARAH has a wonderful weekend, PROOF flies through tech, and A DELICATE BALANCE is off and running. This week at the Little Theatr...
March 27, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized Our ACT students stage a reading of SARAH, PLAIN and TALL, the Pulitzer Prize winning PROOF opens next Friday and A CHORUS LINE is...
March 20, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized SPRING has SPRUNG at the Little Theatre! PSYCHOPATHIA this weekend, SARAH, PLAIN & TALL is up next!
March 18, 2014 Kevin Harris Uncategorized SOME ENCHANTED EVENING fades away, SEXUALIS enters tech, PROOF gets a porch, and A CHORUS LINE starts music rehearsals. This week ...
March 13, 2014 Patty Thayer Uncategorized ACT SPRING BREAK CAMP gears up and ENCHANTED EVENING throttles down. It’s the FINAL WEEKEND folks!